Colon cancer
What is cancer?
A cancer cell is an abnormal cell that transforms and proliferates indefinitely, without restraint.
This proliferation forms a cancerous tumour that destroys the organ in which it developed and can contaminate other organs. This process is called metastasis.
Some figures:
– 2nd leading cause of death in industrialised countries (men and women combined)
– 1st cause of death among non-smokers
– 3rd most common cancer worldwide
– 40 new cases/year per 100,000 inhabitants
High mortality due to late or non-existent screening!
50% of at-risk patients aged over 50 do not undergo screening!
There are 3 risk groups for colon cancer:
– Medium risk: no personal or family history.
⇒ 4% risk of colon cancer before the age of 75
– High risk: personal or family history of polyps, inflammatory colitis.
⇒ 10% risk of colon cancer before the age of 75
– Very high risk: familial polyposis.
⇒ 10% risk of colon cancer before the age of 75
Colon cancer often arises from the transformation of a benign adenomatous polyp. Detecting and removing these polyps is the best approach for preventing this cancer.
Examples of polyps:
Until recently:
• Check for blood in stools.
• Colonic with enema.
• Conventional colonoscopy (in the hospital)
Alternative :