Welcome to the Rixensart Radiology Centre!

Dear colleague,

All of the centre’s medical imaging techniques are now digital. This offers the following advantages:

+ Improved image quality and diagnosis.

+ Reduced exposure to radiation.

+ Archiving of documents for later comparison.

+ Reduction of our carbon footprint.

The imaging and protocols are accessible on the centre’s web server: Server access

you have 2 options:

1.   Enter the patient’s date of birth and consultation number.

Both of these details are provided in the protocol. You then only have access to this patient’s imaging and protocols.

2. You register to have permanent access to our web server.

Once you have registered, you have access to all your patients’ imaging and protocols!

We are happy to provide any further information you may require and to listen to any suggestions you may have for the further development of this system. Our aim is to offer the best possible collaboration to assist you in your medical practice on a daily basis.

Protocols are sent to you electronically (Hector, E-Health, etc.) on the same day of the exam and sent to the RSW (Réseau Santé Wallon, Walloon Health Network).

Access to the image server

Useful documents

One click to make your work easier

View and print the following documents:

Demandes d’examens radiologiques, règlement Inami mars 2013.

Préparation pour une colonoscopie virtuelle par scanner

Critères remboursement examen ostéodensitométrique.

Formulaire prescription CBCT ou examen dentaire